Reiki For Self-Love


Reiki for taking care of yourself is so very important. When you open yourself to self-care through Reiki, you become aligned to your highest self. This is tuning into the essence or ‘energy’ of you, not the literal human you. There can be a big difference. Learning to tune into you, the “true you” is a beautiful place to start. 

This process will allow you to start by “letting go” of circumstances that have been holding you back. You are amazing, inside and out. Now is the time to see and feel that version of you — and start living it. 

Either literally, or thru visualization, be in a place of utter calm and reverence. Choose a place that feels like the true YOU. Imagine that you are grounded into the earth and connected to your higher power. Feel the compassionate, self-care loving energy resonate inside of you. Celebrate YOU thru your heart chakra and healing green light energy 

Now, imagine you are lighting a spiritual fire inside your solar plexus/abdomen with the empowering Yellow light energy. This will reduce and eliminate some of the stuck energy that has been holding you back. By allowing the magic of unconditional love to overcome your low vibrational thoughts, feelings or actions — you shine brighter every day. 

Reiki for Love and Romance

When you are searching for love, or looking to deepen your love, Reiki can focus your desires by balancing you and bringing the other into harmony with you. When focused on you and your loved one; Reiki can smooth out the edges and draw you closer, energetically. Once the energy has connected and is flowing with grace and ease, the literal/physical connection between the two of you improves.

Close your eyes and imagine you and your loved one are in a natural or sacred location. Take a couple deep relaxing breaths. Tune into your Heart Chakra, and begin by loving and accepting yourself and your partner. If this is challenging, love a younger version of you and/or your partner. Imagine Pink Loving Energy is flowing down onto and through both of you from above, and flows through your entire bodies and into the earth. The energy continues to flow — you have a continuous fountain of love energy. What a joyous blessing, to appreciate and be thankful for.

Keep your expectations loose and flowing, but always positive and optimistic. During these experiences, you may sense warmth, tingling, temperature change or more. This indicates you are on the right track. If you feel minimal or nothing, that is totally ok, too. We are all unique.