What Are Aura Colors and What do They Mean?

The aura that surrounds all living things is made up of seven different layers that correspond to the seven chakras. Each layer of an aura is also represented by a different color. When we are in a state of relaxed awareness, with a softened gaze we can allow the colors to come to us. 

What Are Aura Colors?

Auras come in all colors and shades of color. These colors reflect the condition of a person’s chakras and can reveal information about their mood, thoughts, feelings, and dreams. Aura colors can also reveal the physical condition of their health. 

For example, the green aura meaning pertains to the heart and lungs and represents growth, change, and balance. People with green in their aura tend to be more connected to nature and have a love for people, animals, and all living livings.

While it’s rare to have an aura consisting of just a single color, auras do typically have at least one predominant color. Also, since auras change over time, different colors can come and go.

What Do Aura Colors Mean?

When reading aura colors to determine their meaning, it’s important to remember that the colors can vary. In addition, the colors can be light or dark shades, vivid or dim. Colors that are clear and bright are said to be positive, while colors that are cloudy and dull are negative. You must always take into account the shade of the color in order to be precise. 

Using our example from above, a green aura that leans more toward an emerald green shade depicts a loving person — a healer, while a muddy, dark green shade indicates jealousy, resentment, and insecurity.

Learning to see auras is relatively easy, but learning how to read and interpret aura colors and their meanings can be more complex. However, once you are able to read and understand your aura’s colors, you will have a greater understanding of yourself and of your emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental well-being.

What is an Aura and How do You See Them?

Despite the fact that there is an internationally recognized awareness day and even a hashtag dedicated to auras, the truth is most people don’t even know what an aura is, much less what it means. If this sounds like you, then keep reading to learn what auras are and how to see them.

What Is an Aura?

All living things emit energy, or as science calls it, an electromagnetic energy field. And while some of us may not be able to see this energy, we can definitely sense it. It’s this field of energy that is considered an aura. 

Another way you can think of an aura is as the vibe that someone around you puts out. For example, you know how being around some people relaxes you, while others make you nervous? This has a lot to do with the energy or aura that they radiate.

What Does an Aura Look Like?

An aura is often perceived as an oval or egg-shaped area surrounding your physical body. This auric field emits out from your body about 6 to 18 inches on all sides. Some people see auras as glowing colors, while others see white brightness. 

Your aura is made up of seven different layers that correspond to the seven chakras. While each of these layers has its own unique frequency, they’re all interrelated, and each one directly affects the others.

How to See An Aura

People everywhere have been seeing auras for thousands of years. While you don’t have to be a psychic to see them, you do need to have a good understanding of them as well as an open mind.

There are several methods you can use when learning how to see auras, and all take practice. However, since the layers of our auras correlate to different elements of our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health, learning to see and read auras can help us learn and understand ourselves (and the people around us) better.

How To Cleanse Your Aura

Just like your physical body experiences and exhibits the negative effects of stress, illness, and emotional duress, your aura can also be muddied by toxic relationships, family problems, and other negative energies. Bright, clear, luminous auric colors become dull, cloudy, and fragmented. Instead of feeling happy and energetic, you feel tired, sluggish, and simply not yourself. Fortunately, you can rid yourself of negative energies by cleansing your aura.

Aura Cleansing

There are several ways to cleanse your aura. Some techniques rely on physical activities, others are more mental or visual. Luckily, aura cleansing is something that you can do yourself in the comfort of your home with simple tools that you most likely already have.

How to Cleanse Your Aura

Water cleansing is one way to do an aura cleanse. It can be done while you are enjoying a quiet shower, a relaxing scented soak in the tub, or even while standing out in the rain. Focus on the feeling of the water hitting every part of your body while taking in several calming, deep breaths. Visualize the water taking all of your problems and stresses along with it as it flows off of you and down the drain.

Smudging is another way to cleanse your aura. A Native American ritual, smudging is simply the burning of sacred herbs or wood, such as thyme, sage, cedar, or palo santo, and using the smoke to cleanse the space in which your aura resides.

Yet another way to cleanse your aura is to sit quietly and use meditation to help release negative energy and emotions.

Learning how to cleanse your aura can make profound energetic shifts in your life. If you are finding yourself drained by the negative energy in your life, cleansing your aura can help you find the healing and balance you seek.

Healing Your Aura

Auras are not constant.  Because auras are energy that emanates from your body and are a combination of your mind, emotions, and physical state, they can shift and change for a variety of reasons. 

The brightness and clarity of the color of your aura can signify how happy, peaceful or physically healthy you are.  Your physical, mental, and emotional health are all manifested out into your aura visually.

So the color and intensity of your aura can be affected by what you eat, what you are struggling with emotionally or how your aura itself interacts with other people’s auras.  This part of yourself can be hurt by others, or by substances like drugs, or even toxic emotional trauma you have endured.

These damages can show up as dark, muddy or murky shadows discoloring your aura.  If you have a disease or serious drug use it can turn your aura cloudy or hazy as well with a light film to it.

People who have endured negativity over time, or have been corrupted in some ways as with bigotry, hateful beliefs or dangerous behavior, their auras can even seem viscous or oily and look like an oil slick on pavement or gasoline haze on fresh water.

Just like illness and damage to your physical and mental body can be healed through the medical arts and therapy, damage to your aura can be healed as well.

One option is a healing bath.  Taking a candlelight bath that has been filled with Himalayan salts or even common Epsom salt can do wonders for healing your aura from new or light damage or can be the beginning of healing for deeper wounds.

This works because it is combining salt which is an earth element, with water, the strongest water element there is, and fire which is a combination of fire and air because fire cannot exist without air.  This is a technique using the four elements to help your energy heal and find a peaceful balance.

Meditation is another healing method.  It takes practice but it involves focusing on your breathing and allowing thoughts to flow freely through your mind without allowing any to take root.  Meditation can help your mind, body and emotions all come to balance through the calming effect of slowing and elongating your breath.  Doing this on a daily basis can fight auric damage in the short term and long term.

Yoga can also help balance and heal your aura.  Yoga is a blend of physical and mental strength building that can calm your emotions and strengthen your aura over time.  Many people are intimidated by this option because they don’t think they are flexible enough, but a good yogi can help you start from wherever you are right now and grow into a healthy yoga practice.

For damage that is deep or sustained over time Reiki is the best way to heal your aura.  Reiki is a form of energy healing.  The Reiki practitioner will draw on the universal energy that surrounds us at all times, focusing it through their hands to help that energy flow over and through your aura to balance and heal it.   You can also take classes from a Reiki Master to learn to use Reiki to heal and balance your own aura over time.

How To Change The Color Of Your Aura

Did you know that the color of your aura is a reflection of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical state? So, you can intentionally change the vibration, and therefore, change the color of your aura.  How? There are four main ways.

  1.  Spiritual.
     Meditation is the best way to influence your spiritual state. By consistently interacting with the Source of creation in a positive way, your aura will naturally shift and change. There are various ways to meditate. It is important to experiment with the type of meditation that works for you. Be consistent with your meditation in order to see the change in color.
  2. Mental.
    The thoughts you think do reflect in the color vibration of your aura. Thinking positive thoughts influence the color and brightness of your aura, but also, thinking about the truth, no matter how unpleasant, will also brighten your aura. You can intentionally shift the color of your aura by visualizing a specific color. Do this by visualizing a color coating your entire being and Illuminating the space around you. Make sure as you visualize the color that it is clear, pure, and vibrant. There is no wrong color to visualize; it is more important that it is clear, pure and vibrant. Black and brown can all be good colors in the aura when used to honor the true essence of their energy. For example, black is about pre-creation, the womb, and protection. Brown is about nature, stability, mineral richness and family.
  3. Emotional.
     The emotional body is a reflection of how you feel about yourself and how you treat yourself.  Your self-love is reflected in the color vibration of your aura. Spend quality time with yourself, think positive thoughts about yourself, treat yourself well, and your aura will reflect it. The emotional body also reflects your deeds. This means, how you treat other people, nature and live your life will show up in your aura.  When there are discrepancies between what you say and what you actually do, it will show up in your aura as holes, tears or discoloration.
  4. Physical.
     Your aura resonates with the vibration of how healthy you are. Your health and movement affect how you think and feel too. Think of your aura in a holistic way. How you move and how often changes your color.  What you say, do, think, feel, believe and practice, influences the frequency of your illumination. Be as healthy as possible with what you eat. Move your body joyfully. Grounding and being in nature are two of the best ways to clear up your aura.

If you want you can have a friend or go to a psychic circle or simply sign up to have an aura reading and have them pick up on the color vibration in your aura. This has happened to me. I intentionally put a lot of gold in my aura and when I was at a psychic circle in person the woman said I had an aura of gold. The next time I went a few months later, I put a lot of violet in my aura. The woman said there’s a lot of  Violet in your aura that day. Having other people read your aura gives you validation of what you’re doing with your auric field. 

Is It Possible To Cleanse Your Aura?

As energy fields that surround living beings and inanimate objects alike, auras can say so much about the bearer. What if negative energies, blockages, and asynchronous issues have left your aura feeling off balance? Read on to learn whether it’s possible to cleanse your aura.

What Your Aura Says About You

Auras can speak volumes, with their multiple layers of spiritual, emotional, and physical elements. Though they hold all colors of the rainbow, auras change according to the bearer’s mood and emotional state. If you’re feeling positive and happy, your aura will extend far beyond your physical body, but if you’re feeling negative or sad, your aura will contract and remain much closer to your person.

What Is an Aura Blockage?

A number of issues can cause your aura to become blocked or distorted. Negative thoughts directed toward you, emotions that you haven’t fully processed, and past life experiences are just some of the concerns that can block your aura. With a past life reading, you may be able to get to the root of some of your thoughts. Spiritual problems and emotional issues can also throw your aura out of synchronization. All of these imbalances can leave you feeling tired, negative, and disconnected. When this happens, it’s necessary to cleanse your aura.

Visualize Your Aura

Start the cleansing process by visualizing your aura. You can do this by sitting or laying down in a comfortable position for about 15 minutes. Concentrate on breathing continuously, with no space between each inhale and exhale. Do your best to feel your breath and how it extends to your fingers and toes. Envision a white light originating over your head and slowly enveloping your whole body. Know that you’re safe with this universal white light surrounding you.

Cleanse Your Aura

Next, envision this light spreading its energy far and wide, touching everything around you. Remember that everything the light touches is a safe area, and you’re surrounded by nothing but protection and love. Dig deep into your subconscious, and ask yourself what you really want in life. How can you make your desires come to fruition? What do you have to offer to others, and what do you need? How can you make yourself feel as good as possible?

Effects of a Healthy Aura

Once you’ve worked through these questions until you can trace the problematic emotions back to their origin, your aura will be restored to a healthy state. You’ll begin to feel the myriad effects, starting with the calm that comes with knowing where your emotions stem from. When you understand the source, you no longer have to let fleeting negative feelings get the best of you. Don’t forget to take care of your physical and spiritual self, too, in order to maintain a healthy, positive aura that will extend out and touch others.

If you need help working through some of the emotional issues associated with your aura, a psychic chat may help. A healthy aura goes a long way toward emotional, spiritual, and even physical wellbeing.

Is It Possible To Cleanse Your Aura?

As energy fields that surround living beings and inanimate objects alike, auras can say so much about the bearer. What if negative energies, blockages, and asynchronous issues have left your aura feeling off balance? Read on to learn whether it’s possible to cleanse your aura.

What Your Aura Says About You

Auras can speak volumes, with their multiple layers of spiritual, emotional, and physical elements. Though they hold all colors of the rainbow, auras change according to the bearer’s mood and emotional state. If you’re feeling positive and happy, your aura will extend far beyond your physical body, but if you’re feeling negative or sad, your aura will contract and remain much closer to your person. Continue reading “Is It Possible To Cleanse Your Aura?”