Connecting with Source Energy

There are many theories as to how to tap into or connect with source energy.  Reiki, prayer, meditation, and dancing are just a few ways that people have found that work to align you with source.

But really, we are all made of source energy so all we really have to do is use the inherent connection we all have to tap into the universal source energy all around us.  Although, that can be easier said than done. 

The study of source has been known by many names and reached through many styles. Buddha called it enlightenment.  Tibetan Monks have mastered chanting as a form of connection to this energy.  There are some on the Sufi path that whirl during ceremonies to find this connection.  Some in the Indigenous peoples of the Americas reached this ability through a ceremony known as the Sun Dance.  In seeking forms of divination, people who use the Tarot, I Ching, crystals and runes are all tapping into source energy.

These can all take years to master.  So what is the best way for someone to try to tap into source for the first time?  It can be different for everyone but the main way is to find something that causes your heart to feel excited.  For some people that is using their body, by running or doing yoga.  That gets someone into “the zone” where they feel at one with the universe.  For others it can be painting or playing music, that makes them feel alive and in tune with something greater than themselves.

Whatever you feel most alive doing or at the most peaceful, is where you should start to try to tap into source.  So, for example if you love to dance, put on some music and allow your body to feel the rhythm, don’t try to “dance a specific style” just let your body move.  Try to free your mind from any distractions that come up about feeling silly dancing by yourself or how you might look to someone who sees you.  Just free your mind from any thoughts other than how great the music sounds and how wonderful it is to move your body.  Don’t fight your mind, if distracting thoughts come up, just acknowledge them and let them flow on out, don’t continue to focus just think of sweeping them out of the way with a broom and tune back into the music.  Keep dancing and just letting your body move however the music leads and begin to feel how open your heart is, how happy the movements make you feel.  That is tapping into source. 

If you have been looking for answers to a specific question or worrying over a decision, once you feel happy and open through dancing, sit down and take out a piece of paper or your computer, whatever you are most comfortable writing with, and just start thinking about your question or decision.  Write down whatever comes to your mind.  Don’t analyze or over think it, just let the words flow.

The same can be done through whatever it is that makes your heart sing.  If it is painting then start swatching colors in a sketchbook or on a piece of paper.  Don’t worry about an image at first, just watch the colors move across the page.  Feel how the paint flows from the brush to the canvas or paper.  Watch as the colors shift and combine if you move one color into another.  Don’t focus on anything other than watching the change and feeling the flow.  Once your mind feels at peace, begin focusing on the problem at hand.  Try to paint how the problem makes you feel, use colors that make you feel the same way.  Soon the answers you are seeking will become clear. You can tap into source in many different ways.  Each one will work better for different people because all of us are wired differently, but we are all made up of the same source energy as the universe.  Just work on finding the right path to tap into it for yourself.  If the first attempt doesn’t work, move on to something different because it will just take some time for you to find the right connection.  It is like digging through a bag of phone cords you have kept for all your phones through the years, to find the right one you have to keep trying each until you find the one that fits your current phone to charge it.  There a style of tapping into source that will work for you, you just have to find

The ‘Science’ of Connecting to Your Source

Spirituality and Metaphysics may seem woo-woo to some people. However, a growing body of research by physicists, psychologists and neuroscientists now show that there is a scientific and measurable energy field around our human bodies, and around all living things, along with new discoveries in the areas of Quantum Physics and Epigenetic’s with source energy and spirituality. 

Growing up we learned that our body is made of cells, organs, bones and tissue and that we get our DNA and make-up from our biological parents. Many of us are also becoming aware that we are created with a mind, body and a soul. And that the secret to leading a happier life is in learning to find ways to increase the balance and harmony between these areas.

They key is to calm down and connect with source energy. The essence and growing popularity of meditation, yoga and Reiki, to mention a few powerful ways to focus our mind and body energy, shows that we are embracing this combination of finding peace in our existence even when we may not totally understand why it works. And that is more than ok. Many of us do not understand all the details of electricity or technology — yet we benefit from it every day. LOL.

Whether you choose to walk in the woods and connect with nature, do Reiki or Meditate daily, create artwork, jam to your favorite music or follow your workout routine, these techniques help to disconnect you from the daily grind and allow you to relax into a place of peace. 

When your physical and energy body is relaxed, balanced and at peace, your entire life will be better. Think about what makes you really happy and lights you up inside. And if you can’t go on that magical vacation right now, find other ways to bring happiness. Scan through online videos that set the mood, rewatch favorite movies, read or listen to books or create your own imaginary getaway. 

Most of all, add more laughter in your life. Enjoy the journey. Find an advisor that calls to you, and they can help you make even deeper connections. 

Source Energy

What does it mean when people say the word source or the phrase source energy? The idea behind source is that there is energy that surrounds us and binds everything together in the entire universe.  From the smallest ingredients in an atom to the largest sun in the galaxy, we are all made up of the same building blocks and energy connecting it all. 

Where did it come from?  Religions have always had individual explanations for it, as did every ancient civilization throughout history.  They each may call it by a different name; from Christianity’s God, to Nu in ancient Egypt, to the Aztec Quetzalcoatil, to science’s Big Bang, there is an underlying theme of the universe springing up from somewhere.   

According to Einstein’s first law of thermodynamics, energy can be neither created nor destroyed.  This means the energy of the universe has always been here and will always be here in some form.  The term source or source energy has gone through lots of other incarnations over time.  But the idea that there is a collective energy that flows throughout the universe is not a new idea.  Source is the idea that no matter what your religion or belief system, there is something that all of us, and everything in the universe, came from or is connected to, the energy flowing between all things. 

Whatever it is, we came from it and when we die, our energy passes back into it, just like our bodies go back into the earth to help rejuvenate the planet from which all physical life here grew from.  Source is really all of us, and everything in the Universe.  The collective knowledge of everything that has ever existed or will ever exist. 

Many people call upon source for help, or look to it for answers.  When you hear someone say “I am calling upon source for answers,” or “What does source want from me?” What they are really saying is they are trying to connect to the source energy all around them to try to open themselves up to the answers they are seeking. 

It is somewhat akin to going to the library or using the internet to do research.  You are looking to something bigger than yourself for the knowledge you don’t have.  People throughout time have looked up to the heavens and believed wishing on a star could bring you something you desire, or that maybe there were answers to be found in the heavens because it looks so big and all encompassing.

What we have to remember is that we are from this energy and we will pass back into this energy.  It isn’t something “outside of ourselves,” we are source too.

Connecting to Source Energy

Connecting to Source Energy

Source energy may be thought of as The Universe, God, Higher Power, Spirit, Divine Energy or more. Regardless of what you call it, that connection is there and it is a source of love and safety. This is where we connect to who we really are at the core. 

When life is busy, we get caught up in our daily routines and stuck into repetitive habits. Some of these habits may help us: exercise, meditation, connecting with those important to us and time in nature. This is an ideal state of balance with mind, body and sprit. Often, though, we may be stuck in the frantic pace of wake up and race through the day until we finally collapse, exhausted. And although we don’t look forward to repeating it all over again the next day, that’s exactly what we do — because we’re stuck and can’t think of any other way. 

This craziness usually continues until we get so out of balance and life yells loudly to get our attention. That is when we abruptly stop and realize we need to make some changes. This may be a health wake up call, career turn arounds or more personal concerns. Let me show you how you can make small steps to improve your life in a big way before this happens!

Steps to Connect

  1. Find or create a place of calm. Turn down life for at least 15 minutes, hopefully more.
  2. Close your eyes and start breathing slowly and deeply.
  3. Remember or imagine a time or place that brings you immense comfort.
  4. Rub your hands together to create a sense of warmth and connection, feeling your energy build. 
  5. Place your hands on your heart and continue breathing at a comfortable pace.
  6. Take this time to connect to your inner you, your source of power.
  7. You will become aware of Aha’s, new ideas, downloads, connections and more. 
  8. We are all unique. Trust that you are here for a reason. Allow this deeper awareness…
  9. You may “see,” “hear,” “smell,” “touch,” or “taste” something that connects the dots for you. 
  10. The more you do this, the easier it gets.

Enjoy this process.

Exercising an Open Mind With Energy Healing

Many cultures all over the world throughout the ages have attributed some or even all of their spiritual healing practices on the focus of energy currents in the body. When you tap into this energy, you can begin healing yourself by breaking through these blockages.

What Is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is the process of activating your body’s energy systems to remove blockages. These blockages can be caused by all types of disruptions — from anxiety, depression, and other mental ailments to back pain, headaches, and weight loss. Energy healing is a holistic approach to breaking through these energy blockages to promote the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

How to Channel Energy to Heal

According to Shakti tradition, there are seven energy centers, or chakras, that serve as central points for the transfer of energy throughout your body. When one or more of these energy centers become blocked, it can result in stress, health upsets, or other disruptions, both physical and emotional. To channel this energy, use meditation as a guide for opening the heart and mind. Sit in a quiet space free from distractions and close your eyes.

Focus on your breathing and take slow, deep breaths. Concentrate on the feeling of energy flowing throughout your body, unobstructed. The more you practice doing this, the more easily you’ll be able to pull the energy you need for healing yourself and others.

How to Heal People

Energy healing takes a lot of practice, time, and patience, whether you’re learning Reiki or another tradition. As you learn how to do it for yourself, you can start practicing reading and feeling the energy of others. As you get used to that, you can start channeling your energy to help others unblock their seven chakras, or wherever you notice the energy blockages. Over time, this unobstructed flow of energy throughout the body can lead to positive outcomes.

Healing Your Energy by Having an Open Mind

Illness is your body being out of balance in some way.  Whether it is a virus attacking your body’s immune system, or depression attacking your mind from within.  When things get scary your stress levels can increase dramatically which can aggravate an ongoing physical or mental problem or illness, or actually weaken your immune system which can leave you vulnerable for outside causes of illness to take advantage.

Developing and strengthening an open mind can help heal your energy, physically, mentally and emotionally.  Closed minded belief systems stem from fear.  Usually fear of the “other” or the “unknown,” but also fear of losing a sense of yourself or where you are in society as a whole.

By trying to face those fears head on, you can actually heal yourself mentally and emotionally as well as strengthen your physical defenses by not having the added stress and anxiety that being overwhelmed by fear can cause.

Being open minded and having an open mind means you are open to what the universe has in store for you, that you are open to other people, and other belief systems, even ones that are diametrically opposed to yourself or your own beliefs.  Having an open mind doesn’t mean you have to accept or believe the same way as every other person in the world, but it does mean you accept every other person’s right to live and believe their own way and not force them to believe or be as you are. 

By trying to be open to the belief that all people are equal and have equal rights to every right every other person enjoys and is born into, it can help your mind, body and emotions find balance and be more open to what the universe has in store for you.  By focusing your energy on being at its most balanced, it can help your whole self heal and grow to your highest vibration.

This is easier said than done.  Many fears are deeply rooted from early childhood and are systemic because they are tied to parents and grandparents in your subconscious.  So if you are going to change the way you think about your own fears it can cause mental and emotional dissonance to happen, because you don’t want to “betray” those that came before you or who you are in their eyes.  When belief systems are that deeply rooted it takes time and patience with yourself to feel okay about change.  But during the time that you are taking to make these difficult changes in being more open minded, understand that it isn’t a straight line.  You will make progress some days and other days you will not make as much.  The most important aspect of making changes like this is to continue to strive to do your best. 

Being open minded can help bring peace to yourself and help your mind, body and emotions all find balance.  It can also help your society and the world at large be more at peace and more balanced.  By healing yourself through having a more open mind, you will actually help heal the world as well.

Mantras for Having an Open Mind

Becoming more open minded can be difficult and can take time and patience with yourself.  Closed mindedness caused by fear and distress about other people, or other beliefs and behaviors, can be deeply rooted.  These types of fears and defensive mindsets are hard to change.  That is why mantras are such a good tool to use when trying to become more open minded. 

Mantras are phrases or ideas that can be repeated over and over to help reinforce a change you want to encourage your psyche to develop.  This can help reinforce actions for change and create a positive outlook about the changes you are trying to make.

Some mantras you might use if you are trying to develop a more open mind are listed below.

My happiness is not lessened by other people being happy.

By accepting other people exactly how they are, I can learn to accept myself exactly how I am.

My safety and security are not lessened by other people being safe and secure.

All people are equal and deserve to have equal treatment in all things.

I might not like or understand someone but they have a right to live and be happy as they are.

Equal rights for all people do not take rights away from me.

I am strong enough to fight my fears. 

My fears will not control me.

These mantras can be used alone or in combinations with each other as a series.

You can use music while you say mantras to help connect the words to a certain feeling.  For example, you can put on a calming soothing type music, or something upbeat and uplifting, while you repeat the mantras which will help you stay calm or reinforce a feeling of positivity for what you are trying to accomplish.

You can say mantras while doing something creative like drawing or painting or some other visual art.  This will allow the words to become associated with different colors or textures and become imbedded in the part of the mind that is connected to creativity.  Even if you don’t consider yourself “artistic” you can do something as simple as color a piece of paper with a marker or crayon of your favorite color.  You can also look at a photo or painting online or even a swatch of cloth in your favorite color while you say the words.  This will help create positive associations with the changes you are trying to create.

You can add mantras to your meditation routine or as an aid to begin a meditation routine if you have never attempted meditation before. 

Having an open mind can take practice, be hard work, and sometimes require an extreme change in how you feel about yourself, your place in the world, and other people.  It can be scary and require time and patience with yourself while you do this work. Being open minded can help heal old wounds that you didn’t know you were carrying around inside yourself.  Mantras can be an integral tool in opening your mind and healing the fears and underlying causes of being closed minded in the first place. Your being more open minded will help others in the world to feel more accepted and supported, so by healing yourself you can help heal the world. 

Mantras for Open mindedness

We want to be inspired, peaceful and creative — while reducing stress in our lives. There is strength in opening our minds to change. Ultimately, this is being open to new ideas, perspectives and information. The challenge is ‘how’ do we attain these goals. One great way is thru meditation and mantras. You may have heard of mantras, but do you understand the difference between a mantra and an affirmation?

Mantra: A Mantra is a ancient tool with hindu and buddhist roots that is used to shift the mind and emotional state. This can be attained through the repetition of sounds.  These sacred sounds and vibrations are repeated again and again to achieve a zen state, removed from your everyday state of focus. A great mantra to start with is Ohm.

Affirmation: An affirmation is a positive statement that you would like to achieve. 

“I am safe” 

“Everyday I attract abundance”

“I sleep easily and wake refreshed” 

Affirmations are a great way to change your mindset when used consistently. 

The key to a mantra is creating a zen state where you can influence your consciousness and mind — which impacts your life outside of meditation. Reach out to an advisor that calls to you for more insights

C) Exercising an open mind with energy healing

Energy healing is a very powerful tool for your mind, body and spirit. Do not get intimidated by this term if you are new to it. You are a powerful and amazing person with many skills, talents and abilities that you have not uncovered yet. Or if you have already jumped into energy healing, you can take it farther and deeper when coming from a more neutral, open mindset. When you approach it with an open heart and a lot of compassion you can learn and grow as a person.

5 Ways to strengthen your energy Healing with an Open Mind

  1. Consciously breathe into your heart space several times, with the intention to open up and expand your energy heart space. Between breaths, pause and listen for any insights or information. This may takes some time, so do not be harsh with yourself. Keep practicing this daily. 
  2. Focus on gratitude from a new perspective. Focus on the love and light in the world, rather than the darker side. Gratitude for your basic needs, and gratitude for you figuring out how to handle the growing and changing world around you. How are you grateful for others, those close to you, and mankind in general? 
  3. Share with others: This can be repurposing items you no longer need, paying for the person behind you in drive thru line, or simply sharing a smile. The flow of giving & receiving really does lighten up the tension in our world. 
  4. Express your creativity in whatever way calls to you. Maybe you remember ways you expressed yourself in the past — or maybe this is something new. Either way, carve out regular time to explore this area, and you will be a much happier you. 
  5. Play and Be Silly. Be like young children and stretch your legs and have some fun. Be downright silly. We are way too serious in our everyday lives and it is time to exercise your silly muscles.You will be very glad that you did!

These techniques will loosen you up to the positive and abundant flow of  energy healing. The energy healing can be for yourself and for others. Remember, with energy healing, we are simply a conduit. The key is to make that powerful connection to the universe, and let the energy flow. 

Manifest Wealth with Abundance

Base/Root Chakra + Foot Chakra: Red Energy

Manifesting wealth is often in reference to your core safety and security — which connects with Base/root chakra concerns. Many aspire to wealth when coming from a place of lack. The Foot Chakra is not recognized as one of the primary 7 chakras. Yet, it is very important for grounding, safety and security. Again, find clarity prior to choosing your powerful affirmations. They have more power than you may recognize. So, choose your messages carefully. You can place your images in printed form around your life. Also, consider placing as a lock screen on your smart phone/tablet, or a screen saver on your laptop. Be creative, there are many ways to share these messages in your life. Remember, repetition is critical.

Affirmations may include;

“I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me”

“Money comes to me easily and effortlessly”

“My actions create constant prosperity” 

It is always important to work on yourself and identify possible limiting beliefs and stumbling blocks in your efforts to manifest wealth and Abundance.

Soul Sex

Soul Sex

Soul sex takes intimacy to another level. This type of experience is deeply fulfilling and helps you form a stronger, deeper connection with your partner.

What Is Soul Sex?

Soul sex takes your intimate experiences beyond the physical realm into something deeper. Emotional lovemaking gets you closer to soul sex, but this level of spiritual intimacy transcends even a deeply emotional sexual encounter. Soul lovemaking feeds the deep desires of your inner spiritual being, allowing you to connect with your partner at the soul level.

How to Have Soul Sex

Connecting sex and soul can be challenging, especially if you’re in the habit of putting on a physical performance or thinking about pleasing your partner. When you’re having soul sex, you let go of surface concerns like how you look or what to do with your body next. You form a deep soul connection with your partner and act from a place of knowing at your root that you’re serving your highest good. You may need to work on healing your soul before you can engage in enriching soul sex with someone else.

Some ways you can slip into a more soulful sexual experience include:

  • Looking into your partner’s eyes: Look deeply into your partner’s eyes and hold their gaze. This helps you connect with one another beyond the purely physical realm.
  • Considering your feelings: Check in with your emotions. Stop anything that makes you feel self-conscious, concerned, or dissatisfied. Pursue only those things that are deeply fulfilling.
  • Slowing down to reconnect: Step away from the race to climax and stay in the current moment. If you find yourself drifting away from the present, slow down, step back, and return to a period of foreplay until you feel you’ve reconnected.

Enjoying the deep intimacy of soul sex is something you may need to work on with your partner until you feel you’re both achieving a sense of deep connection.