Digging Deep During Pandemic

Are you single and confused about moving forward with love during this Pandemic — with so much closed and restricted, and with social distancing and beyond? Instead of dwelling on frustrations and limitations, consider focusing on “out of the box,” positive solutions. Here are some ideas!   

  1. Start with YOU
    Now is a great time to pause, take a series of deep breaths, and do a super deep dive into taking care of you! Start by being very honest about how you feel. Let out the wide variety of emotions first through writing, taking a walk in nature, or whatever helps you find peace.Then, in a calm and mindful way, start thinking about what you want to focus on moving forward. Brainstorm and make a crazy idea sheet! Or perhaps you already know what you are working toward, and you can use this as a way of strengthening that resolve. Wherever you are at this point, now is the time to start taking steps to move forward. 

2) Plant Seeds for Meaningful Relationship
When you dream of a relationship that makes your heart overflow with enthusiasm, what are the key elements? Keep track of these items. Who do you really want to be in your relationship? What would you like to let go of (literally or emotionally)? What adventures or accomplishments would be really exciting and fulfilling to experience together? Plant seeds (emotionally) for all of this and more. We can accomplish so much more than just cleaning out our living spaces and getting better organized. We can create the life of our dreams. Start by day dreaming…

3) Drop the Details, and Focus on How You Feel Love

Get out of your head and into your heart, spirit and soul. Focus on what brings you joy and happiness — more than the details of height, hair color, eye color, profession or mode of transportation. Connect with the soul of your soon-to-be-loved-one. Isn’t that what all this is really about? 

Trust your inner knowing, and choose the advisor that calls out to you for confirmation and additional insights.