Mantras for Open Mindedness

While mantras and affirmations are quite similar, they do have a few key differences. An affirmation is a word or phrase you repeat until you believe it to be true. For instance, one useful affirmation is, “I am loved.” A mantra is a powerful sound or vibration that can help you relax your mind. Let’s take a moment to focus on mantras and how they can lead to an open mind. 

Using Mantras to Improve Open-Mindedness

As you practice yoga or meditation, your teacher or guide may encourage you to chant, whisper, or silently recite calming sounds. Neuroscientists are beginning to find that mantras have the ability to calm your mind and nervous system. As you relax and repeat the sound, you may begin to access higher levels of consciousness and deeper intuition

Mantras can help you improve your open-mindedness because they tend to quiet negative thoughts and give space to creative thoughts. As you meditate, use your mantra to achieve a state of being where you feel confident and secure. Focus on the sound of the mantra and the feeling of your deep breathing. 

Uplifting Mantras for an Open Mind

The best mantra is one that evokes feelings of creativity, confidence, and happiness. Before your yoga or meditation session, think about what you want from this quiet time. Work on clearing your mind and making room for only positive feelings and calm thinking. Here are some mantras you can use to open your mind:

  • Om (Aum): Om is the best mantra because it is the base for many other mantras. It represents the essence of pure reality or consciousness.
  • Om namah shivaya: This uplifting mantra translates to “I bow to Shiva.” As you honor this Hindu deity, you can connect to your inner self.
  • Lumen de Lumine: Many consider this, which translates to “Light of Light,” a happiness mantra as it helps you overpower any feelings of darkness. The purpose is to drown yourself in feelings of lightness and be more open to the world.

Mantras for Having an Open Mind

Becoming more open minded can be difficult and can take time and patience with yourself.  Closed mindedness caused by fear and distress about other people, or other beliefs and behaviors, can be deeply rooted.  These types of fears and defensive mindsets are hard to change.  That is why mantras are such a good tool to use when trying to become more open minded. 

Mantras are phrases or ideas that can be repeated over and over to help reinforce a change you want to encourage your psyche to develop.  This can help reinforce actions for change and create a positive outlook about the changes you are trying to make.

Some mantras you might use if you are trying to develop a more open mind are listed below.

My happiness is not lessened by other people being happy.

By accepting other people exactly how they are, I can learn to accept myself exactly how I am.

My safety and security are not lessened by other people being safe and secure.

All people are equal and deserve to have equal treatment in all things.

I might not like or understand someone but they have a right to live and be happy as they are.

Equal rights for all people do not take rights away from me.

I am strong enough to fight my fears. 

My fears will not control me.

These mantras can be used alone or in combinations with each other as a series.

You can use music while you say mantras to help connect the words to a certain feeling.  For example, you can put on a calming soothing type music, or something upbeat and uplifting, while you repeat the mantras which will help you stay calm or reinforce a feeling of positivity for what you are trying to accomplish.

You can say mantras while doing something creative like drawing or painting or some other visual art.  This will allow the words to become associated with different colors or textures and become imbedded in the part of the mind that is connected to creativity.  Even if you don’t consider yourself “artistic” you can do something as simple as color a piece of paper with a marker or crayon of your favorite color.  You can also look at a photo or painting online or even a swatch of cloth in your favorite color while you say the words.  This will help create positive associations with the changes you are trying to create.

You can add mantras to your meditation routine or as an aid to begin a meditation routine if you have never attempted meditation before. 

Having an open mind can take practice, be hard work, and sometimes require an extreme change in how you feel about yourself, your place in the world, and other people.  It can be scary and require time and patience with yourself while you do this work. Being open minded can help heal old wounds that you didn’t know you were carrying around inside yourself.  Mantras can be an integral tool in opening your mind and healing the fears and underlying causes of being closed minded in the first place. Your being more open minded will help others in the world to feel more accepted and supported, so by healing yourself you can help heal the world. 

Mantras for Open mindedness

We want to be inspired, peaceful and creative — while reducing stress in our lives. There is strength in opening our minds to change. Ultimately, this is being open to new ideas, perspectives and information. The challenge is ‘how’ do we attain these goals. One great way is thru meditation and mantras. You may have heard of mantras, but do you understand the difference between a mantra and an affirmation?

Mantra: A Mantra is a ancient tool with hindu and buddhist roots that is used to shift the mind and emotional state. This can be attained through the repetition of sounds.  These sacred sounds and vibrations are repeated again and again to achieve a zen state, removed from your everyday state of focus. A great mantra to start with is Ohm.

Affirmation: An affirmation is a positive statement that you would like to achieve. 

“I am safe” 

“Everyday I attract abundance”

“I sleep easily and wake refreshed” 

Affirmations are a great way to change your mindset when used consistently. 

The key to a mantra is creating a zen state where you can influence your consciousness and mind — which impacts your life outside of meditation. Reach out to an advisor that calls to you for more insights

C) Exercising an open mind with energy healing

Energy healing is a very powerful tool for your mind, body and spirit. Do not get intimidated by this term if you are new to it. You are a powerful and amazing person with many skills, talents and abilities that you have not uncovered yet. Or if you have already jumped into energy healing, you can take it farther and deeper when coming from a more neutral, open mindset. When you approach it with an open heart and a lot of compassion you can learn and grow as a person.

5 Ways to strengthen your energy Healing with an Open Mind

  1. Consciously breathe into your heart space several times, with the intention to open up and expand your energy heart space. Between breaths, pause and listen for any insights or information. This may takes some time, so do not be harsh with yourself. Keep practicing this daily. 
  2. Focus on gratitude from a new perspective. Focus on the love and light in the world, rather than the darker side. Gratitude for your basic needs, and gratitude for you figuring out how to handle the growing and changing world around you. How are you grateful for others, those close to you, and mankind in general? 
  3. Share with others: This can be repurposing items you no longer need, paying for the person behind you in drive thru line, or simply sharing a smile. The flow of giving & receiving really does lighten up the tension in our world. 
  4. Express your creativity in whatever way calls to you. Maybe you remember ways you expressed yourself in the past — or maybe this is something new. Either way, carve out regular time to explore this area, and you will be a much happier you. 
  5. Play and Be Silly. Be like young children and stretch your legs and have some fun. Be downright silly. We are way too serious in our everyday lives and it is time to exercise your silly muscles.You will be very glad that you did!

These techniques will loosen you up to the positive and abundant flow of  energy healing. The energy healing can be for yourself and for others. Remember, with energy healing, we are simply a conduit. The key is to make that powerful connection to the universe, and let the energy flow. 

Staying Calm During Financial Turbulence

Financial stress can cause anxiety, negatively affect your mental and emotional wellbeing, and can even hurt you physically.  It is extremely important to find ways to be calm during hard financial times, but it can be the most difficult time in which to do so.

Meditation, Yoga and Reiki can all help with decreasing your stress levels and keep them from rising when financial hardships occur.  All three of these systems tap into the energy that flows through you and connects your mind, body and emotions together within your being. 

Meditation sometimes stresses people out because they say “I’m no good at meditation.”  Or they think they have to have their mind completely calm in order for meditation to “work.”  That isn’t the case.  Meditation, especially when you are first learning, can be helpful and doesn’t require you to “control your mind.”

Find a place that is comfortable that you can be alone for just a few minutes.  It can even be the bathroom if it is hard for you to find privacy.  Bring your awareness to your breathing.  Focus on trying to elongate your inhale, and then focus on matching the length of your exhale with it. 

Just allow your mind to flow, whatever comes in, just try to gently encourage it to flow right out again.  Try to not allow anything to take up root in your thoughts but if you find your mind spiraling about a thought, try to move your mind back to focusing on your breathing. 

This can help in as little as just a couple of minutes to calm your mind and body and help your emotions not overwhelm you. 

Yoga uses your body and mind connection to ease your stress levels.  Again, so many people say “I’m not flexible enough for yoga.”  That doesn’t matter for stress relief.  It doesn’t have to be a full workout and you don’t have to be a long-time yogi to benefit from the stress relief this can give you.  There are many videos of yoga for beginners that you can find online.    Pick one pose or a couple that won’t make you feel intimidated and that will be easy for you to do in the space you have. 

Standing Mountain pose can be done just about anywhere and by anyone.  You stand up as straight as possible, with your feet parallel.  You lengthen each part of your body slowly focusing first on your legs, then your midsection then lengthening your spine and straightening your shoulders.  You tuck your chin slightly and pull the crown of the head upwards.  You breathe slowly and deeply while holding this position and then let out a breath as you relax your body and release the pose.  This done a few times slowly can calm your system and help bring your mind to ease.

Reiki is an energy technique that allows a Reiki Master to clear your energy and aura of blockages and alleviates stress to allow your Chi to flow in a healthy way through your mind, body and emotions.  This is especially helpful if you have had ongoing financial worries for an extended period of time.  All that stress can build up and the energy blockages can even cause health problems.

Using any of these techniques consistently can help build up a higher tolerance for stress and anxiety and help to prepare you for unexpected financial stress.