Manifest Wealth with Abundance

Base/Root Chakra + Foot Chakra: Red Energy

Manifesting wealth is often in reference to your core safety and security — which connects with Base/root chakra concerns. Many aspire to wealth when coming from a place of lack. The Foot Chakra is not recognized as one of the primary 7 chakras. Yet, it is very important for grounding, safety and security. Again, find clarity prior to choosing your powerful affirmations. They have more power than you may recognize. So, choose your messages carefully. You can place your images in printed form around your life. Also, consider placing as a lock screen on your smart phone/tablet, or a screen saver on your laptop. Be creative, there are many ways to share these messages in your life. Remember, repetition is critical.

Affirmations may include;

“I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me”

“Money comes to me easily and effortlessly”

“My actions create constant prosperity” 

It is always important to work on yourself and identify possible limiting beliefs and stumbling blocks in your efforts to manifest wealth and Abundance.

Crystals for Manifesting Abundance

Using crystals will help you generate the right vibrations to draw abundance into your life. When you’re working with crystals for this type of manifestation, it’s important to keep a clear vision of what you want and a strong conviction that you deserve this. Your confidence in the manifestation will bring it into being.

Manifesting Abundance

Abundance can mean many different things. Before you can start to manifest abundance, you must define what it means to you. Visualize your life with the kind of abundance you want to attract. This could be an abundance of free time, accomplishments, friends, or monetary earnings. Clearly identify what abundance looks like in your life.

Prosperity Crystals

Using crystals for prosperity will give your manifestations a powerful boost. The following crystals help strengthen your manifestations, clarify your vision, soften your barriers to success, and attract abundance:

  • Green aventurine.
  • Citrine.
  • Pyrite.
  • Green jade.
  • Tiger’s eye.
  • Green moss agate.
  • Clear quartz.
  • Rose quartz.
  • Selenite.
  • Amazonite.

How To Use Crystals for Abundance

Select the prosperity stones that resonate the most with your purpose. You might select one stone or several. There are many ways you can use these crystals for abundance. Consider some of these options:

  • Place your prosperity crystals on your workspace to invite wealth from your efforts.
  • Keep your abundance crystals on a personal altar with other items that symbolize abundance for you, such as a picture of something you want to purchase.
  • Place the crystals in your wallet to draw more money in.
  • Keep your prosperity stones in your pocket to draw abundance to yourself.
  • Meditate with your abundance stones in your hand.
  • Create a crystal grid with one or more abundance crystals.

With the right tools, you can draw abundance into your life and manifest the kind of success that you’re after.

Manifesting Abundance Meditation

Meditation doesn’t have to just be about becoming zen and finding inner peace.  It can be much more than that for you.  Through meditation you can create a focus for your life, or bring about positive changes for yourself as well. 

The following is a mediation to help you manifest abundance into your life.

Get into a comfortable position in a spot where you won’t be disturbed for a few minutes.  Focus on your breathing.  Take slow deep breaths in and then let them out slowly.  Try to match the length of time for your exhale as what it took for your inhale.  With each new breath, focus on relaxing a different part of your body. Release any tension you are holding in your shoulders, your back, and even in your jaw.  Just breathe.

Feel your body in the room where you are.  Then realize you are a part of the larger whole of existence.  You are made up of the same stardust that has been here since the beginning of time.  Feel your body and mind becoming one with the energy of the universe around you.  Breathe in slowly, and then let that breath back out, in and out.

Now as you continue to breathe slowly, begin to think about abundance and what that means to you.  Does it mean having lots of tangible items? Does it mean being rich or famous?  Or does it mean having enough financial stability to have the freedom to travel?  Or is it simpler than that, like having plenty of food on your table and your bills paid with a steady job?  Whatever the idea of abundance is for you, focus on what your life would look like filled with that abundance.  Allow your mind to flow and experience the happy emotions that would manifest in your life.  Feel the positive happiness flow over you and visualize what you would be doing and how you would experience that abundance in your life.  Live it in your mind as vibrantly as if it has already happened.

Now settle your mind back into how your body feels sitting quietly, while breathing slowly in and out.  Picture a magnet inside your solar plexus and with each breath in, imagine that magnet is attracting all that abundance you desire into your life.  With each breath out, release any and all thoughts or ideas that might be holding you back from achieving the abundance in your life.  Each breath in the magnet pulls and draws happiness and abundance towards you, and with each breath out let go of barriers blocking that achievement.

Sit quietly, just breathing, allowing the magnet to work and attract all the abundance into your life, and know in your heart, all you have to do is accept it.  Work on allowing your mind to believe you deserve to receive this.  Open your mind to the belief that you will get the happiness and abundance that you desire.

Why Is It So Hard To Love Ourselves

Why Is It So Hard For Us To Love Ourselves?

There is something about our society that over time has shown women that they have to be nurturers or caregivers.  This not only gives women a skewed self worth ideal, but also sets them up for years of self sabotage for not being enough to someone else. 

The opposite is true of how, for years, society has set up men for emotional failure.  For men, they are seen as weak or as less than if they show any emotions at all. 

Both of these stereotypical ideals of what people are supposed to be and strive for, sets both genders up for burnout, isolation, and a sense of failure.

How do we fight against this?  Self love is a good place to start.  It is easy to say, “love yourself” and one of the hardest challenges a person can face.  Childhood obstacles and trauma, unrealistic expectations of perfection, and measuring people by Hollywood standards make looking yourself in the mirror and saying “I like who I see,” let alone, “I love myself,” an uphill battle.

Where can one begin fighting against this near impossible challenge?  Small steps are the best way to attack any journey or mountain that seems too big to undertake. 

Make a list of things you like or admire about yourself.  Even if there is only one item on your list, start there.  Do more of whatever it is that makes you feel that positive way about yourself.  If you are proud of your artistic ability, then take a small amount of time each and every day to do something artistic.

If you think you have beautiful hair, then make sure to pamper yourself with special shampoo or a salon visit more often than you have been doing.

Whatever it is that is on your list, embrace it and celebrate it.  Once you start focusing on the good things you view about yourself, and feeding into that feeling about you, it will grow and branch out.  After a while you will start to see that maybe you have other things you like about yourself too. 

The second step to loving yourself is to begin to have compassion for you as you are right now.  So many people say “I would be happy if only…” about themselves or who they are.  It is an incredibly hard thing to think about yourself and have compassion for who you are right now this minute.  The reason for this is because we have unrealistic expectations about ourselves, so much moreso than we do of anyone else. 

Think of something you don’t like about yourself, whether it is your body-shape, or your inability to be as strong or as smart as you think you should be.  Now imagine your very best friend has those same qualities, I bet you would love them exactly as they are in whatever body, or abilities they have, because you see their worth, not for their body or the capabilities, but because of who they are.  Try turning that lens towards yourself.

Loving yourself and what makes you special and a unique individual is a wonderful way to fill your tank for the hard things you have to do every day.

Reiki For Self-Love


Reiki for taking care of yourself is so very important. When you open yourself to self-care through Reiki, you become aligned to your highest self. This is tuning into the essence or ‘energy’ of you, not the literal human you. There can be a big difference. Learning to tune into you, the “true you” is a beautiful place to start. 

This process will allow you to start by “letting go” of circumstances that have been holding you back. You are amazing, inside and out. Now is the time to see and feel that version of you — and start living it. 

Either literally, or thru visualization, be in a place of utter calm and reverence. Choose a place that feels like the true YOU. Imagine that you are grounded into the earth and connected to your higher power. Feel the compassionate, self-care loving energy resonate inside of you. Celebrate YOU thru your heart chakra and healing green light energy 

Now, imagine you are lighting a spiritual fire inside your solar plexus/abdomen with the empowering Yellow light energy. This will reduce and eliminate some of the stuck energy that has been holding you back. By allowing the magic of unconditional love to overcome your low vibrational thoughts, feelings or actions — you shine brighter every day. 

Self Love

So much of society today is based around love, the search for love, finding the perfect love, but the basis for all love in this world should start with self love.  Self love and self care are important aspects of living an emotionally healthy life.  Unfortunately society has taught us that putting ourselves and our own needs as a priority is “selfish” and not the right way to live.

It is important in the hectic day to day way we live now as a culture to realize that if we only focus on others we tend to burn ourselves out.  We cannot constantly be giving and loving to others without first loving and caring for ourselves if we want any long term balance.

Think of it as burning an oil lamp constantly without ever thinking about a need to refill it.  It will eventually run out and you will be left in darkness.

There are many ways you can give love to yourself, such as meditation, journaling, yoga, Reiki, and massage.  But instead of focusing on a one time gift to yourself, try having a self love practice every day.  You don’t have to take hours out of your day to do it, if you practice it more often.  And as with anything, the more you practice, the easier it will become.

The first thing to remember, no matter what way you choose to feed your soul, is that you must start with compassion for yourself.  This can be very difficult.  For many people we are taught that we are not worthy unless we are giving to others, or unless we are “proving” our worth by some kind of activity or action.

This is not true.  You are worthy of love and compassion just for being you.  As you are in this moment, without having to do anything or be any certain way, you are worthy of love and happiness.

Even if you don’t “believe it” in your heart, behave like you do and it will come eventually.  There is a reason “fake it till you make it,” is an important mantra.  It won’t take long if you truly give love to yourself before you will begin to believe you truly do deserve it.

Everyone is unique, so your version of self love and self care might look different that the next person’s.  What you choose as your self-love activity isn’t as important as the way it makes you feel.  Choose anything you like to do, go to the movies, listen to an album, read a book, as long as it makes you feel, happy, calm, relaxed or fulfilled.  Any of these emotions will start to refill your tank.  The important thing is that you seek out activities on a regular basis that make you laugh, or relax the tension in your shoulders, something that challenges your mind, or calms it, whichever is the most fulfilling thing for you.

The more you make yourself a priority, the more energy you will have for everything and everyone else.

Reiki for Love and Romance

When you are searching for love, or looking to deepen your love, Reiki can focus your desires by balancing you and bringing the other into harmony with you. When focused on you and your loved one; Reiki can smooth out the edges and draw you closer, energetically. Once the energy has connected and is flowing with grace and ease, the literal/physical connection between the two of you improves.

Close your eyes and imagine you and your loved one are in a natural or sacred location. Take a couple deep relaxing breaths. Tune into your Heart Chakra, and begin by loving and accepting yourself and your partner. If this is challenging, love a younger version of you and/or your partner. Imagine Pink Loving Energy is flowing down onto and through both of you from above, and flows through your entire bodies and into the earth. The energy continues to flow — you have a continuous fountain of love energy. What a joyous blessing, to appreciate and be thankful for.

Keep your expectations loose and flowing, but always positive and optimistic. During these experiences, you may sense warmth, tingling, temperature change or more. This indicates you are on the right track. If you feel minimal or nothing, that is totally ok, too. We are all unique. 

Using Sage For Energy Healing

The beginning of the year is a perfect time to take stock of where you have been and where you are going.  It is also an important time to let go of things that have been holding you back.  Saging or smudging with sage can be a great way to cleanse yourself of negative energy and keep it from following you into the New Year.

There are several ways to accomplish this.  One is to have a bit of charcoal burning down until it is white, then drop bits of dried sage onto it.  Sit in front of it and focus on the negative things that have happened to you this past year.  Imagine that you are sprinkling the memories as you add the herbs to the charcoal.  As the smoke rises and drifts away, so too will the things that you have gone through that have been holding you back, leave you, and allow the healing process to begin. 

Letting go of pain and sorrow from the past year can be difficult.  Sometimes it takes an act of physical purpose to begin the healing process.  To do this you can sit in front of your sage as it is smoking and journal about your last year, putting into words all that has hurt you or held you back and when you are finished, get up and hold the journal, or piece of paper you have written things down on, above the smoke, allowing the smoke to drift over the words and cleanse them from your mind and your life.

A more intense way of using saging or smudging is to use an actual smudge stick which is usually made out of white sage or other cleansing herbs. Light the bundle then blow it out so that it continues to smoke.  Pass the smudge stick around your head and then down the front of your body and around to the back of your body, focusing your mind on letting go of the heavy emotional things you have been carrying, as the smoke drifts around you.  Imagine the pain and negativity drifting up into the air and disappearing the way the smoke does.  Imagine your first steps away from where you were standing create a fresh start or new beginning for you going into the New Year.

Any of these processes will help you to start the New Year off with a clean slate and prepare you for the exciting year to come with an open heart and open mind.

How To Heal Your Soul

If you’re experiencing a variety of symptoms that doctors seemingly can’t diagnose, the health of your soul may be at the core of these issues. This guide will lead you through the process of spiritual healing and explore how it can happen. You’ll learn how to heal your soul and how to continue to care for yourself as an ongoing process.

What Does It Mean to Heal Your Soul?

Do you want to know how to get your soul back?

True healing is a path of transformation. This journey leads to a strong mind and body connection that frees the heart and the soul. It often requires a mixture of interventions such as movement, nutrition, and energetic cleansing. As we heal, we grow beyond illness or disease to a destination of wellness.

How to Heal Your Soul

What are the best ways to help your soul? Spiritual healing addresses your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. It eliminates toxins that undercut our wellness and allows you to become whole. The best approach is to do right by your body. Eat healthy foods, exercise, and sleep. Nurture your relationships and free your soul from ego’s harmful effects.

How Does Soul Healing Work?

Does soul healing work? Contemporary medical interventions often focus on just one element of an illness: the physical. This narrow approach rarely leads to wellness. Healing is a whole package deal. You’ll begin to transcend your challenges once you care for all four areas of your being.

Continuing Your Soul’s Care

Once you understand how to heal your soul, you must continue this practice reap the benefits long term. It often takes daily practice to realize full spiritual healing.

Embark on a journey to a fulfilling destination,and start your path toward healing your soul today. Use this guide to help light your way to wholeness.