Is It Possible To Cleanse Your Aura?

As energy fields that surround living beings and inanimate objects alike, auras can say so much about the bearer. What if negative energies, blockages, and asynchronous issues have left your aura feeling off balance? Read on to learn whether it’s possible to cleanse your aura.

What Your Aura Says About You

Auras can speak volumes, with their multiple layers of spiritual, emotional, and physical elements. Though they hold all colors of the rainbow, auras change according to the bearer’s mood and emotional state. If you’re feeling positive and happy, your aura will extend far beyond your physical body, but if you’re feeling negative or sad, your aura will contract and remain much closer to your person.

What Is an Aura Blockage?

A number of issues can cause your aura to become blocked or distorted. Negative thoughts directed toward you, emotions that you haven’t fully processed, and past life experiences are just some of the concerns that can block your aura. With a past life reading, you may be able to get to the root of some of your thoughts. Spiritual problems and emotional issues can also throw your aura out of synchronization. All of these imbalances can leave you feeling tired, negative, and disconnected. When this happens, it’s necessary to cleanse your aura.

Visualize Your Aura

Start the cleansing process by visualizing your aura. You can do this by sitting or laying down in a comfortable position for about 15 minutes. Concentrate on breathing continuously, with no space between each inhale and exhale. Do your best to feel your breath and how it extends to your fingers and toes. Envision a white light originating over your head and slowly enveloping your whole body. Know that you’re safe with this universal white light surrounding you.

Cleanse Your Aura

Next, envision this light spreading its energy far and wide, touching everything around you. Remember that everything the light touches is a safe area, and you’re surrounded by nothing but protection and love. Dig deep into your subconscious, and ask yourself what you really want in life. How can you make your desires come to fruition? What do you have to offer to others, and what do you need? How can you make yourself feel as good as possible?

Effects of a Healthy Aura

Once you’ve worked through these questions until you can trace the problematic emotions back to their origin, your aura will be restored to a healthy state. You’ll begin to feel the myriad effects, starting with the calm that comes with knowing where your emotions stem from. When you understand the source, you no longer have to let fleeting negative feelings get the best of you. Don’t forget to take care of your physical and spiritual self, too, in order to maintain a healthy, positive aura that will extend out and touch others.

If you need help working through some of the emotional issues associated with your aura, a psychic chat may help. A healthy aura goes a long way toward emotional, spiritual, and even physical wellbeing.

How Meditation Can Help You Deal With a Stressful Work Environment

No one likes stress, but it’s in an unavoidable part of life — right? Though some situations will naturally trigger anxiety, we have some control over how we react. You can even get better at responding to and managing stress through exercises like meditation, which is incredibly helpful for professionals. Here are a few ways that practicing meditation can help relieve the stress of a poor work environment.

Improved Productivity

It’s impossible to be up against a pressing deadline and not feel stressed. Though you may not have much control over this natural reaction, you can work on being more proactive and productive. This can help you better manage your schedule, complete tasks well before they’re due, and thus reduce work-related stress.


Mediation can help you find the solution to workplace problems. This is also one of the major benefits of working with an online psychic. Use this technique to clear your mind and discover what you need to do to reduce stress. Then, act on the information uncovered through meditation or a medium.

Mental Clarity

Use meditation to clear your mind at the start of the day. Then, focus on investing your energy in your responsibilities. Another tip is to take breaks throughout the day to meditate and refocus. Even if you can only pause for a few minutes, this is a fantastic way to increase your productivity and mitigate stress. Continue reading “How Meditation Can Help You Deal With a Stressful Work Environment”

Tapping Into Your Third Eye

tapping into your third eye

Known as the third eye, the pineal gland is located behind your forehead and can serve as a gateway to greater psychic abilities. Developing your third eye could unlock the powers of clairvoyance and telepathy and may even enable you to pursue astral projection. Learn why tapping into your third eye is vital and learn how to develop it effectively.

Why Developing Your Third Eye Is Essential

While developing your third eye can help you hone your clairaudient abilities and tune into sounds and intuitions from other realms, neglecting this chakra can have negative effects. After all, your third eye is a key component of your visual abilities, and when it remains closed, you effectively create a sensory barrier.

When you can’t properly sense with your third eye, you’ll quickly become confused and uncertain, and over time, you could become negative or cynical. In contrast, tapping into your third eye can aid your ability to perceive, helping you see more clearly and become more decisive.

How to Use Meditation

For many people, meditation is the key to developing the third eye. When you meditate for this purpose, be intentional in all your actions. Choose a time and place where you can be truly present, and take care to eliminate distractions. Get comfortable, relax your body, set your worries aside, and feel your body. As you meditate, focus on the act of breathing, and empty your mind completely.

Eventually, you can focus on accessing your third eye. Try focusing on a single object, event, or concept. If everything else fades into the background, you’ve activated your third eye. When you successfully tap into this chakra, you’ll feel as though your mind has ascended to a new level, and you’ll sense an accelerated flow of energy around you. Practice tapping into your third eye every day, and the ritual will become easier and more natural every time. Continue reading “Tapping Into Your Third Eye”

How to Raise Consciousness Through Sacred Sound

sacred sound

For millennia, sound has transformed people, environments, and energies. Without even realizing what you’re perceiving, sound can elevate your mood, cause you to feel more intensely, and even impact your physical sensations. Learn how sacred sound can take this sensation to an even higher level, where it has the power to raise your consciousness.

How Sound Impacts Your Environment

Sound comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms. Some tones incite alarm and heighten feelings of distress, while other melodies lead to complete calm and relaxation. Even when you think you might be in a completely quiet space, sound surrounds you. No matter where you are or what type of environment you’re in, sound has a transformative effect. Continue reading “How to Raise Consciousness Through Sacred Sound”

Healing with Crystals

Since the time of ancient civilizations, people have used crystals to release physical, spiritual, and mental blockages. Crystals boost the free flow of energy through your body. Here are six crystals that can help you heal.


If you’re searching for a natural way to relieve stress, look to the amethyst crystal. This crystal encourages your inner strength. In the process of working with this crystal you can also develop a strong business sense and even wealth. Amethyst is great for fostering clarity of mind, which helps you tune in to your feelings. It repels negative energy while attracting positive energy. Continue reading “Healing with Crystals”

Is It Possible To Cleanse Your Aura?

As energy fields that surround living beings and inanimate objects alike, auras can say so much about the bearer. What if negative energies, blockages, and asynchronous issues have left your aura feeling off balance? Read on to learn whether it’s possible to cleanse your aura.

What Your Aura Says About You

Auras can speak volumes, with their multiple layers of spiritual, emotional, and physical elements. Though they hold all colors of the rainbow, auras change according to the bearer’s mood and emotional state. If you’re feeling positive and happy, your aura will extend far beyond your physical body, but if you’re feeling negative or sad, your aura will contract and remain much closer to your person. Continue reading “Is It Possible To Cleanse Your Aura?”