Mantras for Open Mindedness

While mantras and affirmations are quite similar, they do have a few key differences. An affirmation is a word or phrase you repeat until you believe it to be true. For instance, one useful affirmation is, “I am loved.” A mantra is a powerful sound or vibration that can help you relax your mind. Let’s take a moment to focus on mantras and how they can lead to an open mind. 

Using Mantras to Improve Open-Mindedness

As you practice yoga or meditation, your teacher or guide may encourage you to chant, whisper, or silently recite calming sounds. Neuroscientists are beginning to find that mantras have the ability to calm your mind and nervous system. As you relax and repeat the sound, you may begin to access higher levels of consciousness and deeper intuition

Mantras can help you improve your open-mindedness because they tend to quiet negative thoughts and give space to creative thoughts. As you meditate, use your mantra to achieve a state of being where you feel confident and secure. Focus on the sound of the mantra and the feeling of your deep breathing. 

Uplifting Mantras for an Open Mind

The best mantra is one that evokes feelings of creativity, confidence, and happiness. Before your yoga or meditation session, think about what you want from this quiet time. Work on clearing your mind and making room for only positive feelings and calm thinking. Here are some mantras you can use to open your mind:

  • Om (Aum): Om is the best mantra because it is the base for many other mantras. It represents the essence of pure reality or consciousness.
  • Om namah shivaya: This uplifting mantra translates to “I bow to Shiva.” As you honor this Hindu deity, you can connect to your inner self.
  • Lumen de Lumine: Many consider this, which translates to “Light of Light,” a happiness mantra as it helps you overpower any feelings of darkness. The purpose is to drown yourself in feelings of lightness and be more open to the world.

Healing Your Energy by Having an Open Mind

Illness is your body being out of balance in some way.  Whether it is a virus attacking your body’s immune system, or depression attacking your mind from within.  When things get scary your stress levels can increase dramatically which can aggravate an ongoing physical or mental problem or illness, or actually weaken your immune system which can leave you vulnerable for outside causes of illness to take advantage.

Developing and strengthening an open mind can help heal your energy, physically, mentally and emotionally.  Closed minded belief systems stem from fear.  Usually fear of the “other” or the “unknown,” but also fear of losing a sense of yourself or where you are in society as a whole.

By trying to face those fears head on, you can actually heal yourself mentally and emotionally as well as strengthen your physical defenses by not having the added stress and anxiety that being overwhelmed by fear can cause.

Being open minded and having an open mind means you are open to what the universe has in store for you, that you are open to other people, and other belief systems, even ones that are diametrically opposed to yourself or your own beliefs.  Having an open mind doesn’t mean you have to accept or believe the same way as every other person in the world, but it does mean you accept every other person’s right to live and believe their own way and not force them to believe or be as you are. 

By trying to be open to the belief that all people are equal and have equal rights to every right every other person enjoys and is born into, it can help your mind, body and emotions find balance and be more open to what the universe has in store for you.  By focusing your energy on being at its most balanced, it can help your whole self heal and grow to your highest vibration.

This is easier said than done.  Many fears are deeply rooted from early childhood and are systemic because they are tied to parents and grandparents in your subconscious.  So if you are going to change the way you think about your own fears it can cause mental and emotional dissonance to happen, because you don’t want to “betray” those that came before you or who you are in their eyes.  When belief systems are that deeply rooted it takes time and patience with yourself to feel okay about change.  But during the time that you are taking to make these difficult changes in being more open minded, understand that it isn’t a straight line.  You will make progress some days and other days you will not make as much.  The most important aspect of making changes like this is to continue to strive to do your best. 

Being open minded can help bring peace to yourself and help your mind, body and emotions all find balance.  It can also help your society and the world at large be more at peace and more balanced.  By healing yourself through having a more open mind, you will actually help heal the world as well.

Mantras for Open mindedness

We want to be inspired, peaceful and creative — while reducing stress in our lives. There is strength in opening our minds to change. Ultimately, this is being open to new ideas, perspectives and information. The challenge is ‘how’ do we attain these goals. One great way is thru meditation and mantras. You may have heard of mantras, but do you understand the difference between a mantra and an affirmation?

Mantra: A Mantra is a ancient tool with hindu and buddhist roots that is used to shift the mind and emotional state. This can be attained through the repetition of sounds.  These sacred sounds and vibrations are repeated again and again to achieve a zen state, removed from your everyday state of focus. A great mantra to start with is Ohm.

Affirmation: An affirmation is a positive statement that you would like to achieve. 

“I am safe” 

“Everyday I attract abundance”

“I sleep easily and wake refreshed” 

Affirmations are a great way to change your mindset when used consistently. 

The key to a mantra is creating a zen state where you can influence your consciousness and mind — which impacts your life outside of meditation. Reach out to an advisor that calls to you for more insights

C) Exercising an open mind with energy healing

Energy healing is a very powerful tool for your mind, body and spirit. Do not get intimidated by this term if you are new to it. You are a powerful and amazing person with many skills, talents and abilities that you have not uncovered yet. Or if you have already jumped into energy healing, you can take it farther and deeper when coming from a more neutral, open mindset. When you approach it with an open heart and a lot of compassion you can learn and grow as a person.

5 Ways to strengthen your energy Healing with an Open Mind

  1. Consciously breathe into your heart space several times, with the intention to open up and expand your energy heart space. Between breaths, pause and listen for any insights or information. This may takes some time, so do not be harsh with yourself. Keep practicing this daily. 
  2. Focus on gratitude from a new perspective. Focus on the love and light in the world, rather than the darker side. Gratitude for your basic needs, and gratitude for you figuring out how to handle the growing and changing world around you. How are you grateful for others, those close to you, and mankind in general? 
  3. Share with others: This can be repurposing items you no longer need, paying for the person behind you in drive thru line, or simply sharing a smile. The flow of giving & receiving really does lighten up the tension in our world. 
  4. Express your creativity in whatever way calls to you. Maybe you remember ways you expressed yourself in the past — or maybe this is something new. Either way, carve out regular time to explore this area, and you will be a much happier you. 
  5. Play and Be Silly. Be like young children and stretch your legs and have some fun. Be downright silly. We are way too serious in our everyday lives and it is time to exercise your silly muscles.You will be very glad that you did!

These techniques will loosen you up to the positive and abundant flow of  energy healing. The energy healing can be for yourself and for others. Remember, with energy healing, we are simply a conduit. The key is to make that powerful connection to the universe, and let the energy flow. 

What Is Meditation?

What is Meditation?

To understand what meditation is, let’s start with a basic definition. If we go by Merriam-Webster’s definition, meditation is the act of engaging in contemplation or reflection in order to reach a level of heightened mental clarity and spiritual awareness.

History of Meditation

People have been practicing meditation for thousands of years. Developed in India around 5000 B.C., ancient wall art depicts people with half-closed eyes, seated in meditative-like postures. The oldest written record is a set of Hindu religious texts from 1500 B.C. However, it’s believed the knowledge was passed down as an oral tradition long before healers inscribed it.

Different Types of Meditation

There are endless variations of meditation techniques. However, the basic types include mindfulness, spiritual, focused, movement, mantra, and transcendental. Exploring any one of these types can lead you down an intuitive path of clarity.

Mindful Meditation Techniques

Learning this ancient tradition is easier than you might think. Start by sitting in a comfortable position with your hands in your lap. Sit up tall and keep your back straight, if possible. Close your eyes and breathe through your nose. Focus on the sound of your exhalation, and if anything interrupts your meditation, make a note of the sound or physical sensation, then return your concentration inward.

Benefits of Meditation

Practicing meditation comes with many benefits, from relaxation to reduced stress and anxiety. It can enhance sleep, enhance self-awareness, and improve memory. However, meditation isn’t just about finding inner peace. Use it to create a focus for your life and to help manifest your desires.

Meditation is a powerful tool for self-exploration and wellness. Use this guide when you want to introduce meditation to your daily life.

Crystals for Manifesting Abundance

Using crystals will help you generate the right vibrations to draw abundance into your life. When you’re working with crystals for this type of manifestation, it’s important to keep a clear vision of what you want and a strong conviction that you deserve this. Your confidence in the manifestation will bring it into being.

Manifesting Abundance

Abundance can mean many different things. Before you can start to manifest abundance, you must define what it means to you. Visualize your life with the kind of abundance you want to attract. This could be an abundance of free time, accomplishments, friends, or monetary earnings. Clearly identify what abundance looks like in your life.

Prosperity Crystals

Using crystals for prosperity will give your manifestations a powerful boost. The following crystals help strengthen your manifestations, clarify your vision, soften your barriers to success, and attract abundance:

  • Green aventurine.
  • Citrine.
  • Pyrite.
  • Green jade.
  • Tiger’s eye.
  • Green moss agate.
  • Clear quartz.
  • Rose quartz.
  • Selenite.
  • Amazonite.

How To Use Crystals for Abundance

Select the prosperity stones that resonate the most with your purpose. You might select one stone or several. There are many ways you can use these crystals for abundance. Consider some of these options:

  • Place your prosperity crystals on your workspace to invite wealth from your efforts.
  • Keep your abundance crystals on a personal altar with other items that symbolize abundance for you, such as a picture of something you want to purchase.
  • Place the crystals in your wallet to draw more money in.
  • Keep your prosperity stones in your pocket to draw abundance to yourself.
  • Meditate with your abundance stones in your hand.
  • Create a crystal grid with one or more abundance crystals.

With the right tools, you can draw abundance into your life and manifest the kind of success that you’re after.

Reiki For Self-Love


Reiki for taking care of yourself is so very important. When you open yourself to self-care through Reiki, you become aligned to your highest self. This is tuning into the essence or ‘energy’ of you, not the literal human you. There can be a big difference. Learning to tune into you, the “true you” is a beautiful place to start. 

This process will allow you to start by “letting go” of circumstances that have been holding you back. You are amazing, inside and out. Now is the time to see and feel that version of you — and start living it. 

Either literally, or thru visualization, be in a place of utter calm and reverence. Choose a place that feels like the true YOU. Imagine that you are grounded into the earth and connected to your higher power. Feel the compassionate, self-care loving energy resonate inside of you. Celebrate YOU thru your heart chakra and healing green light energy 

Now, imagine you are lighting a spiritual fire inside your solar plexus/abdomen with the empowering Yellow light energy. This will reduce and eliminate some of the stuck energy that has been holding you back. By allowing the magic of unconditional love to overcome your low vibrational thoughts, feelings or actions — you shine brighter every day. 

Self Love

So much of society today is based around love, the search for love, finding the perfect love, but the basis for all love in this world should start with self love.  Self love and self care are important aspects of living an emotionally healthy life.  Unfortunately society has taught us that putting ourselves and our own needs as a priority is “selfish” and not the right way to live.

It is important in the hectic day to day way we live now as a culture to realize that if we only focus on others we tend to burn ourselves out.  We cannot constantly be giving and loving to others without first loving and caring for ourselves if we want any long term balance.

Think of it as burning an oil lamp constantly without ever thinking about a need to refill it.  It will eventually run out and you will be left in darkness.

There are many ways you can give love to yourself, such as meditation, journaling, yoga, Reiki, and massage.  But instead of focusing on a one time gift to yourself, try having a self love practice every day.  You don’t have to take hours out of your day to do it, if you practice it more often.  And as with anything, the more you practice, the easier it will become.

The first thing to remember, no matter what way you choose to feed your soul, is that you must start with compassion for yourself.  This can be very difficult.  For many people we are taught that we are not worthy unless we are giving to others, or unless we are “proving” our worth by some kind of activity or action.

This is not true.  You are worthy of love and compassion just for being you.  As you are in this moment, without having to do anything or be any certain way, you are worthy of love and happiness.

Even if you don’t “believe it” in your heart, behave like you do and it will come eventually.  There is a reason “fake it till you make it,” is an important mantra.  It won’t take long if you truly give love to yourself before you will begin to believe you truly do deserve it.

Everyone is unique, so your version of self love and self care might look different that the next person’s.  What you choose as your self-love activity isn’t as important as the way it makes you feel.  Choose anything you like to do, go to the movies, listen to an album, read a book, as long as it makes you feel, happy, calm, relaxed or fulfilled.  Any of these emotions will start to refill your tank.  The important thing is that you seek out activities on a regular basis that make you laugh, or relax the tension in your shoulders, something that challenges your mind, or calms it, whichever is the most fulfilling thing for you.

The more you make yourself a priority, the more energy you will have for everything and everyone else.

Reiki for Love and Romance

When you are searching for love, or looking to deepen your love, Reiki can focus your desires by balancing you and bringing the other into harmony with you. When focused on you and your loved one; Reiki can smooth out the edges and draw you closer, energetically. Once the energy has connected and is flowing with grace and ease, the literal/physical connection between the two of you improves.

Close your eyes and imagine you and your loved one are in a natural or sacred location. Take a couple deep relaxing breaths. Tune into your Heart Chakra, and begin by loving and accepting yourself and your partner. If this is challenging, love a younger version of you and/or your partner. Imagine Pink Loving Energy is flowing down onto and through both of you from above, and flows through your entire bodies and into the earth. The energy continues to flow — you have a continuous fountain of love energy. What a joyous blessing, to appreciate and be thankful for.

Keep your expectations loose and flowing, but always positive and optimistic. During these experiences, you may sense warmth, tingling, temperature change or more. This indicates you are on the right track. If you feel minimal or nothing, that is totally ok, too. We are all unique. 

Using Energy Healing to Find Love

What Is Energy Healing and What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of energy healing. Energy healing is the practice of manipulating the energy fields around the body. Energy healing is based on the belief that our life force flows through us in channels of energy. These must be free of blockages and flowing smoothly for us to feel emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy.

Using Reiki for Love

Energy love blockages can stop us from receiving or giving love freely. If you are attuned to negative energy, you will more easily fall into negative patterns. Reiki helps you realign yourself with positive vibrations and move stagnant energy so you’re free from past hurts and open to receive new love.

You can practice reiki love yourself, intentionally adjusting, moving, and clearing these energies. You can also enlist the help of a Reiki practitioner who will use their hands to assist in this energy manipulation.

Practicing Love Energy Healing

There are many ways that you can cultivate loving energy in your life. The energy of love is warm, welcoming, and peaceful. It offers an endless spring of grace to yourself and others. Draw the energy into your life by:

  • Meditating on the energy cords binding you to past lovers and gently releasing these so you’re free.
  • Sending out gratitude for the blessings in your single life.
  • Loving yourself deeply and completely and reaffirming this with mantras or other affirmations.
  • Manifesting the type of loving energy that you want to feel from others so your energy will attract a similar vibration from your ideal partner.

Surrounding yourself in an energy of love and acceptance will help you draw these emotions into your life from others, as well. Finding love begins with yourself.

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