Illness is your body being out of balance in some way. Whether it is a virus attacking your body’s immune system, or depression attacking your mind from within. When things get scary your stress levels can increase dramatically which can aggravate an ongoing physical or mental problem or illness, or actually weaken your immune system which can leave you vulnerable for outside causes of illness to take advantage.
Developing and strengthening an open mind can help heal your energy, physically, mentally and emotionally. Closed minded belief systems stem from fear. Usually fear of the “other” or the “unknown,” but also fear of losing a sense of yourself or where you are in society as a whole.
By trying to face those fears head on, you can actually heal yourself mentally and emotionally as well as strengthen your physical defenses by not having the added stress and anxiety that being overwhelmed by fear can cause.
Being open minded and having an open mind means you are open to what the universe has in store for you, that you are open to other people, and other belief systems, even ones that are diametrically opposed to yourself or your own beliefs. Having an open mind doesn’t mean you have to accept or believe the same way as every other person in the world, but it does mean you accept every other person’s right to live and believe their own way and not force them to believe or be as you are.
By trying to be open to the belief that all people are equal and have equal rights to every right every other person enjoys and is born into, it can help your mind, body and emotions find balance and be more open to what the universe has in store for you. By focusing your energy on being at its most balanced, it can help your whole self heal and grow to your highest vibration.
This is easier said than done. Many fears are deeply rooted from early childhood and are systemic because they are tied to parents and grandparents in your subconscious. So if you are going to change the way you think about your own fears it can cause mental and emotional dissonance to happen, because you don’t want to “betray” those that came before you or who you are in their eyes. When belief systems are that deeply rooted it takes time and patience with yourself to feel okay about change. But during the time that you are taking to make these difficult changes in being more open minded, understand that it isn’t a straight line. You will make progress some days and other days you will not make as much. The most important aspect of making changes like this is to continue to strive to do your best.
Being open minded can help bring peace to yourself and help your mind, body and emotions all find balance. It can also help your society and the world at large be more at peace and more balanced. By healing yourself through having a more open mind, you will actually help heal the world as well.